====== YourCast : Imagine your own customized digital signage ====== \\ ===== Project ===== **YourCast** is a project research which aims to be an industrial technology. Its main goal is to ease the production of customizable digital signage system following a final user needs. The project has three main interests in research: the usage of multiple software product lines (SPL) in a real case study, the human-computer interactions (HCI) dedicated to digital signage and the model-driven engineering (MDE). You can find more informations [[en:about|here]]. ===== News ===== * **05-06/12/13** : YourCast is once again use as a digital signage for the french [[ http://www.nuitdelinfo.com/ | computer science night 2013]] ! * **28/11/13** : First YourCast deployment @ University Nice * **29/10/13** : Experiments feedback from Choralies 2013. A short trailer is available here : https://vimeo.com/78055070 ; Look at a replay of the experiment on a real YourCast system here: http://choralies2013.supralog.com/tv-replay/ ! * **15/10/13** : Deployment of a YourCast system customized for people with visual disabilities @ [[http://irsam.fr/|IRSAM]] Nice * **15/09/13** : YourCast deployed @ University Lille 1 * **01/09/13** : Another system YourCast is deployed on the Campus Sophia-Tech @ Polytech'Nice * **01/08/13** : The system YourCast - SupraLink developed with [[http://www.supralog.com/ | SupraLog]] for the french event Choralies 2013 deployed ! * **01/06/13** : Generation ad deployment of a YourCast system at [[http://www.i3s.unice.fr/I3S/index.php | I3S Laboratory ]] * **15/04/13** : The software product line (SPL) is achieved * **19-21/06/12** : The first prototype is used during the french conference in software engineering [[http://gpl2012.irisa.fr/?q=ciel | CIEL]] * **1-2/12/11** : First YourCast prototype used as a test during the french [[ http://www.nuitdelinfo.com/ | computer science night 2011]] \\ Screenshots of previous deployment can be found in [[en:gallery |our gallery]] ! [[en:gallery|{{ ::capture_d_e_cran_2013-12-02_a_11.05.55.png?fr:about&600 | See the gallery}}]]