====== Feature Models for YourCast ====== Domain variability model for yourCast corresponds to the following model : {{:en:ycdomainmodel.jpg|}} To each concept corresponds one Feature model. Feature models are defined using Familiar and its merge operator. * For [[en:fm:renderers|Renderers]] * For [[en:fm:sources|Sources]] * For [[en:fm:zones|Zones]] * For [[en:fm:Transitions|Transitions]] * For [[en:fm:layout|Layout]] "Familiar" files can be downloaded {{:en:fms.zip|here}}. ===== Blueprint of YourCast feature models ===== Following Figure shows a blueprint of YourCast feature models. It visually represents feature hierarchies while emphasizing the constraints, being internal to an FM (cross-tree constraints) or inter FMs (representing our relations between FMs). Each box represents a feature. Similar to traditional feature diagrams, an edge describes the parent relationship between two features, a child feature being located below its parent feature. To make this large-scale representation more readable, the kind of a sub-feature (\eg, optional, mandatory) is expressed by a color-coding on the edge, resp. blue for optional, green for mutual exclusion. Each feature is shaped by two metrics, //width// indicating the number of inter-FM constraints in which this feature is involved; \textit{height} corresponding to the number of cross-tree constraints the feature is involved within the FM. This visual blueprint is supported by an interactive tool, as shown by the pop-up on on the renderer FM blueprint at the bottom of figure. It helps in creating and maintaining large and complex FMs ((S. Urli, A. Bergel, M. Blay-Fornarino, P. Collet, and S. Mosser. A visual support for decomposing complex feature models. In 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, VISSOFT 2015, Bremen, Germany, September 27-28, 2015, pages 76–85, 2015.)). {{:en:yourcastvizualisation.jpg?600|}} **Learn more about [[en:spinefm|SpineFM]]**