====== Toward a community of contributors and users ====== Suivre @YourCastStore ===== Contributors ===== * **[[golfieri.guillaume@gmail.com |Guillaume Golfieri]]** (Licence (L3)) (summer 2013) * Managements of Renderers, Sources, Behavior, ... * {{:en:rapport_de_stage_golfieri_guillaume.pdf|Report}} * **Emilie Nguyen Van, Yann seree, Michael Gianfaldone ** (2nd year IUT) (winter 2012-2013) * Renderers for IRSAM dealing with Forecast, Announcements, ... * //"The intent behind of our project is to provide access to information to residents through the various displays that have been developed in relation to their disabilities."// * **Abdel Bedjbedj and Edwin Wilson** (2nd year IUT) (winter 2012-2013) * //Vocalizing information to improve the stay of the blind occupants of Apraxine Villa in Nice (IRSAM). This application will provide the inhabitants to with up to date and informed about what is going in the center such as the lunch and dinner menus, the weekly or monthly activities, internal news, and which workers will be at the home at what times.// * **[[http://c.line-design.fr/|C.Line]] (Designer) (Winter 2013)** * **Anthony Cardinale, Maxence chazarra, Nabil el moussaid, Sylvain Fernandes, Timoty Tartenson (2nd year IUT) (winter 2012-2013)** * //"YourCastStore is an extension of YourCast. YourCastStore is a website that supports both a product line and a community built around that product line. .. This product line is powered by the community that revolves around it. The community can add products and resources to the product line like, for example, tutorials..."// * **[[http://www.damienmostacchi.fr/|Damien Mostacchi]] (summer 2012)** * Renderers for the conference GDR GPL ===== Deployments ===== ==== Conference GDR GPL (june 2012)==== ==== IRSAM ==== [[http://www.irsam.asso.fr/|IRSAM]](Institut Régional des Sourds et Aveugles de Marseille) is an institute for people for people with intellectual, physical and sensory disabilities or autism. Villa Apraxine is an IRSAM’s establishment located in Nice. This establishment can accommodate up to 38 residents from 18 years of age, upwards. ===== Tools ===== * Suivre @YourCastStore * Contribute developping new yourCast components, go to [[http://grid-vm3.unice.fr/drupal/|yourCastStore]]